शुक्रवार, 21 नवंबर 2014

Measures to fight Premature Ejaculation Necessary for healthy sexual relationship that both partners are satisfied, but ejaculation or early Ijekuleshn (Early Ejaculation) due to the problem of female sexual satisfaction can not get to. After the male ejaculate but the sensation of pleasure due to female ejaculation 'Climax' not reach, that he is a victim of stress. If some things taken care of the problem of premature ejaculation can be undid, and your sex life can be made happy. Our sex expert (Dr Bk K Kashyap) explains how this problem can be overcome or can be reduced. * Select the proper place and proper time for sex. Select a location that provides both sex partner pleasure. * Do not rush in making sex relationship. At this time the mind with some kind of fear, anxiety, nervousness should not be. * To stimulate your partner before mating Find more time. Do not worry if this happens during an erection. Do not rush into sex at all. Remember to stimulate a woman takes more time than men. * After starting the mating process in-between stop and start again. During the stay of his partner and his delicate organs Shlaan kiss. * If you have problem Dayvitij to control the alcohol intake to a minimum. Remember, too much intake of alcohol is harmful to your sex life. * Spent time talking to your partner and stimulate him to focus on Forple. * Ashwini posture of yoga practice. This can increase the time you have sex. Vjroli currency can also be extended sex tim

Measures to fight Premature Ejaculation

Necessary for healthy sexual relationship that both partners are satisfied, but ejaculation or early Ijekuleshn (Early Ejaculation) due to the problem of female sexual satisfaction can not get to. After the male ejaculate but the sensation of pleasure due to female ejaculation 'Climax' not reach, that he is a victim of stress.

If some things taken care of the problem of premature ejaculation can be undid, and your sex life can be made happy. Our sex expert (Dr Bk K Kashyap) explains how this problem can be overcome or can be reduced.
* Select the proper place and proper time for sex. Select a location that provides both sex partner pleasure.

* Do not rush in making sex relationship. At this time the mind with some kind of fear, anxiety, nervousness should not be.

* To stimulate your partner before mating Find more time. Do not worry if this happens during an erection. Do not rush into sex at all. Remember to stimulate a woman takes more time than men.

* After starting the mating process in-between stop and start again. During the stay of his partner and his delicate organs Shlaan kiss.

* If you have problem Dayvitij to control the alcohol intake to a minimum. Remember, too much intake of alcohol is harmful to your sex life.

* Spent time talking to your partner and stimulate him to focus on Forple.

* Ashwini posture of yoga practice. This can increase the time you have sex. Vjroli currency can also be extended sex tim

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