बुधवार, 7 मई 2014

kis samay ek lady pregnent ho sakti hai period ke pahle ya period ke bad ek ek sahi jankari dijiye ki period se pregnent ka kya sambandh hai aur kis samay sex karne se pregnency hoti hai period ke pahle ya bad me.............. 

Hello, For conception, try having intercourse every month around your ovulation days as it is the best time for conceiving. Ovulation is the release of a single, mature egg from a follicle that developed in the ovary. It usually occurs regularly, around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle. The best timing of intercourse in order to conceive is day 10, 12, 14 and 16 (in case of late ovulation) of a 28 day cycle. After intercourse, do not wash immediately and keep on lying for some time. You can also keep a pillow under your buttocks. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.

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